Hey everyone. As some of you may already know, Halo 4 is holding a remix competition. I've decided to enter the competition with my Revival remix. I've seen a lot of people have been listening to my track here on Newgrounds, but not many have put out the effort to go to my soundcloud and favorite it (which counts as a vote). People on there are already well into the 300's with favorites. I've got a much bigger following here on Newgrounds than I do on Soundcloud (thank you all), so I'm calling all of you to help out an artist that you support by favoriting my track/voting for it. I really need your support and really want to win this competition. In return, I'll make a song using a sample of your choice, just leave a suggestion in the comments and I'll use the most common one. I really appreciate you all listening to my music and helping me continue pursuing my passion.
Here's the link to the song on Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/cowardlylion/revival-maule d-by-cowardlylion
Here's the link to the song on the Halo 4 page: https://halo4remix.com/en_us/track/62363830